Smoky Mountain Beards Memorial Day Observance

It’s almost Memorial Day, and Smoky Mountain Beards would like to take the opportunity to remember all of the men and women who have lost their lives serving in the armed forces.
Why Memorial Day Matters
Memorial Day is a national day of remembrance for fallen soldiers. Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day. At the time, the Civil War was one of the deadliest wars in America’s history.
In response, communities across the nation started grassroots efforts that involved various ways of remembering the fallen. Many of these local observances involved putting flowers and other decorations on the graves of soldiers.
These traditions continued on into the modern era, and Memorial Day was officially recognized as a federal holiday back in 1971. Today, we continue to take time on Memorial Day to remember those who lost their lives in war.
Our Memorial Day Sale
In honor of Memorial Day, we are running a sale. From now until May 30th, you can use Promo code MEMORIAL20 at checkout to get 20% off your entire order.
Since our store is online, you will still be able to shop on Memorial Day. We ask that you please keep this federal observance in mind when it comes to shipping times since most major shippers take Memorial Day off. Also, please be patient with our support staff as they take time off to remember the fallen.
P.S. We know that Memorial Day can evoke painful memories. Please see our list of mental health resources for service members and their loved ones.