Corn Beards & Your Beard

Happy Sweet Corn Week!
The National Sweet Corn Festival has been happening since 1938, celebrating the end of summer. Since then, beards from Illinois to Iowa have been decorated with these sweet kernels, and we here at Smoky Mountain Beards are here for it.
Kernels in your beards not your thing? How about beards in your tea?
That’s right, corn beards (or silks) are not only high in potassium and great for kidneys, they also make a delicious tea. Check out our favorite recipe below:
Corn Beard Tea:
Preheat a teapot with hot water.
In a small saucepan, heat the water to 200°F over medium-high heat (just below a boil). Add the silks and remove from the heat. Cover and let steep for 6 minutes. Stir in the honey and salt.
Remove the corn silks from the saucepan, strain the tea into a teapot and serve.
In any case, if corn in your beard happens - wash it out with Big Beard Soap and you’re good to go!