A Guide to Buying Gifts For Your Guy Friends

Regardless of what celebrations matter to you and your loved ones, we are entering the season of gift-giving. It’s easy to know what to give our significant others, parents, and children, but what about the men in your life?
It would seem like guys would have an easy time coming up with gift ideas for other guys (because we are guys ourselves after all) but finding a gift for another guy can be way harder than it has to be.
We want to show our guy friends that they matter to us, but we also don’t want the gift to come across as too lovey-dovey. Here’s some relief for you. We are not in high school anymore. If you buy a gift for your bro, he will be happy that you bought him a gift. Full. Stop. If your friend is anything other than happy that you got him a gift, he’s probably not the best friend to have.
With that being said, let’s talk about the gifts we don’t like. Gifts for men tend to be totally based on hobbies. If you like grilling, people will buy you an apron. If you like golf, people will buy you a club. If you like beer, people will buy you a T-shirt. While the thought behind these gifts is not completely wrong, we as men know that we are so much more than our hobbies.
Here are three sure-fire ways to give men gifts that they will actually like.
Give the gift of money
Adulting is hard for everyone, and with the stereotype that men are the breadwinners, it can be very rough for the men in your life. We are not always as vocal as we need to be about our financial struggles. You never know how much a monetary gift can mean for someone. It can mean a night out on the town with his significant other, or it could mean not missing a meal.
Give the gift of time
You know how much is on your plate. Men have a lot of responsibilities. A gift card to a lawn service, pool service, or auto detailing company can be much appreciated. This is really a gift that keeps on giving because you’ll help your male friend earn back time, something that no one can buy.
Give the gift of experience
Good memories last a lot longer than things that sit up on a shelf. Tickets to events are excellent gifts. Gift cards to activities like paintball, ax throwing, bowling, and escape rooms also make excellent gifts that create memories. The gift is even better if you can plan to enjoy the experience with your friend. The great thing about a gift card is that it gives your friend the flexibility to enjoy the experience at a time that is actually convenient for him.
You know what they say. It’s the thought that counts. As men, we know that men can sometimes be at the very bottom of the gift-giving list, and, trust me, with the extensive collection of socks and cuff links we’ve all acquired, it really shows. Instead of putting your fellow men at the bottom of your list, really give some thought to what you’re buying for the men in your life, and show them that they matter.